Tag Archives: cambodia

Lamas, motos, markets and ‘some weird looking red curry’

Vendor GirlSome articles about Asia that are well worth a look. – MyThaiLife stares into the unforgiving eyes of death Bangkok street food and lives to tell the tale without the need for a change of trousers. Drew Leifheit, determined not to be out-done, takes to the motos of Phnom Penh where ‘most [drivers] come to a stop if it means avoiding an accident’. Reassuring.

Viator has a decent guide to Kuala Lumpur.

Finally, National Geographic has reprinted a fascinating article from 1955 about Tibet written by Heinrich Harrer (Via Boing Boing)

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[Photo Vendor Girl by notashamed via Flickr reproduced under Creative Commons]

You may have missed… Travel news from around the place (22nd April)

Given the recent turbulence amongst low cost carriers Tiger Airways released some reassuring financials yesterday, although no trading figures were announced. The most promising sign is that they are reportedly giving Airbus the ol’ hurry up for fifty new planes on order, thirty of which are scheduled to operate in Australia.

Who's wrapping themselves in the flag?V Blue, an airline founded by an eccentric Brit, has offended patriotic sensitivities by awarding Singapore Airlines the tender to service its fleet of 777’s just because they, you know, have the tools and experience to service these aircraft. A talking head from the Licensed Aircraft Maintenance Engineers Association decried the move claiming the ‘Virgin group should have considered the need to develop a skill base in Australia’, in between choruses of Waltzing Matilda and screaming Ozzie, Ozzie, Ozzie!!!

China is reportedly imposing more ever more stringent visa requirements.

Tourists taking a day trip from Siem Reap to the floating village of Chong Kneas are being mobbed by beggars taking to the water in plastic buckets.

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Loose Change – A round-up of recent travel tips from around the web (12th of April)

Chinese Medicine

The Best Travel Tips of the Week

How to handle medical emergencies while travelling (via Bravenewtraveler.com)

Know some basic phrases (‘hospital’, ‘pain’, ’emergency’) in the local language; know your insurance situation (Australian travellers should check whether a reciprocal agreement exists with the countries in which you will be travelling which may entitle you to subsidised medical treatment) and, finally, be patient.


Indonesian ChildrenVagablogging and The Guardian provide reminders of the joys of spontaneous travel. Travelnotebook’s ‘How to Photograph Children During Your Travels‘ is much more interesting (and less creepy) than its title suggests.

Bravenewtraveler has some pretty good tips in 5 ways to protect your essential travel documents; a good follow-up to ‘5 Tips Every Traveler Should Know About Internet Security‘.

The LA Times chips in with 14 ways to save money on your travels, although unfortunately none are earth-shattering.

Worldhum rounds up some resources about travelling with children, while Frommers has some suggestions for keeping your family safe while travelling.

Two questions every traveller has asked – how the hell do I cross this road and is it possible not to look like a tourist?

10 Nastiest Travel Diseases because malaria isn’t the ONLY disease you need to be wary of when travelling (via Vagabondish).


How to cope with flying if you hate flying or overcome a fear of it.

Making the most of your stopover – how to get the most out of less than twenty-four hours in a major city.

Recovering airport lost property – MSNBC’s guide.


‘There are some things in life you should never see, and seeing your bags being unloaded by baggage handlers is one of them’ – James Clark’s reviews his flight from Singapore to Melbourne on Tiger and his experiences in Melbourne’s Tiger Airways terminal.

EuropeBrixton Market

The Independent rounds up the 50 best free activities in London, some great (and less-familiar) suggestions to make the most of your time in an expensive city.

Viator presents a through review of transport options from all of the airports servicing London, including (of course) Heathrow.

Budget-conscious tourists heading to Germany should check out Culture on the Cheap’s latest ‘Ask a local’ which has tips provided by ‘Mike from Munich‘, including free thrills and ‘What do you do with €5.00 for dinner? ‘.

The Telegraph tracks down finds 10 places to stay for less than £120 a night in Rome, while its competitor The Times provides selection of treks in Europe.

The Age gives some common sense advice on plane vs train travel in Europe.

Concierge.com has a feature on budget Europe.

has a guide to Barcelona or consider one of Madrid’s less well-known galleries –Museo Sorolla.

RentaTent – camp your way through in Europe.

Vietnam food


Budgetglobetrotting asks are Thailand’s islands are still the best in the region? The New York Times provides some tips on activities in Chiang Mai.

Hints for cheap lunches in Vietnam – even if the photos don’t look the most attractive.

A great list of ‘Do’s and Don’ts in Cambodia‘ by a Fillipina living in Cambodia – ‘DON’T expect nice clean public toilets to be readily available anywhere’.

United States

The LA Times has some local knowledge on transport options to and from LAX and Long Beach airports.

Intelligent Travel suggests some ‘distinctive’ American destinations or just do Vegas on the cheap with Viator.

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